pregnant from dry sperm on fingers

pregnant from dry sperm on fingers
Yes You can get pregnant from semen whether it is directly shot inside you or you push it inside you. Remember anything is possible. There may be less semen on your
01.08.2006 · Best Answer: my you cant get pregnant from: masturbation giving head giving a hand job receiving oral sex dry sex however, you can get pregnant
pregnant from dry sperm on fingers
Can u get pregnant when you finger.
Can Pre Ejaculation Cause Pregnancy
Can you get pregnant from fingering if.
i'm 17 years old and my period is almost a week late and i have sore boobs. usually i get bad cramps before my period, i have been geting them but they arent that bad
Can a girl get pregnant from sperm that. can you get pregnant if you get fingered.
Is it possible to get pregnant with sperm.
Answer Yes it is possible. There is a lot of sperm in semen so out of the billions and billions of sperm that die some still get to the egg in cases that make the
When it comes to making babies, both the quantity and quality of sperm your partner produces matters. An average ejaculation contains about 180 million sperm (about